will my injured nail reborn?
after bandage by SR N myself
after trimed...
after m pulled out the fake nail..
( looked like coconut husk)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
m finger is injured...
Posted by Shukujo at 11:02:00 AM
Labels: Heterogeneity
nicenice earphone from SR...
Posted by Shukujo at 10:58:00 AM
Labels: Heterogeneity, LoVe
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
beautiful wednesday
m woke up from the alright side of the bed again...but morning still having gastric while on the way to have bf with my beloved SR. esp when she told m "later going doctor" m gastric instant worsen.... goshhh...so freak pain.. pain till m cant eat my noodles...whole body seem not mine, just so stiff "became a ice gal"- hard n with cold sweat.. indeed m very scare of seeing "THAT DOCTOR" today while he was "DOING", m screamingggggggg... everyone seem laughing...so embarrassing...
SR said each time visit that doc,m can buy one bag... gosh i think she trying kick of m buying bag hobby....NO?HAHA... nah... i dun think my SR so mean....
Finally have the chance to eat " chin mei chin's Halloween Bun" a fruit bun, which i love it... coffee shop is small, with not many customers, yet still need to wait for quite awhile before served...N with poor attitude
Princess Gemini finally buzz m on msn, out of these few months, today m the happiest... AS I HAVE PRINCESS n SR's attention, love, care, concern N yang ... before princess buzz m, m also happy, but not as happy as today... i guess if one day, SR turns cold to m, but princess still love m as much as before, m will also react like past day, grouchy N blue... all m can say is m life cant LIVE without BOTH PRINCESS N SR now...both r m everything now... :)
just read a good pal email... "Dan" she told m that she was sad.. hahaha... guess what... she upset because after reading m blog, she realise that m didn't mention about her ringing m on the weekend, while m having lunch with SR... silly of her...m had never forgotten about her, just that day m was terrible down N unwell...
m write almost everyday... but still seem have so much of m thots N feeling have not really express them out yet....no? hahaha...i duno...m just know that i will CHERISH N TREASURE MY PRINCESS N SR as long as m still breathing...N of coz everyone around m, family N pals... I LOVE U, GUYS...
Posted by Shukujo at 11:07:00 PM
Labels: Moment of Life
a gastric tuesday
m 1st nano
choco bars from cher
was feeling weird while on the way to bf...m told SR about this weird feeling...m text princess saying that m will with going AU 2 weeks with SR in may, she refused to reply... m was very blue while waiting....(m hate to wait,esp somehow knowing is a negative or cold reply...) "waiting is tiring" anyway partly also blue N stress by Taurus a little... what SR told m is true...m somehow have an answer it my mind, thus each time people didn't reply the way m wanna to be,m will be upset... same goes to Capri N Crabi...as well as everyone... human begins are selfish...YES, indeed is true... everyone on this grey planet are selfish, because of a gasp of oxygen, no choice but to protect themselves with layers N layers of masks, to prevent themselves from begin hurt.. diff people have diff ways of protection.. but end of the day, still a mask.. m protection is to have endless sleep N endless block... how about my SR N everyone around...?
went lunch with SR, she got m a black apple ipod nano :) i love enjoying all the tender caring love from SR... to m she is a patient, caring, fun loving N kind hearted woman.. "she is also a silly N blur blur woman, she can be rather snob N aggressive at times too... but of because the snob N aggressive, not towards m.. neither will this day comes...i have confident..." ;p when a person in LOVE, he or she seem to be blind...but m sure SR N m are not totally blind...no? that doesn't mean the love towards each other is not strong... what m meant that we are not totally blind is both of us seem too practical N realistic on certain thing towards others.. e.g " having a child at a right time N under a ready roof " having a child is as simple as ABC, but raising a child is never easy... n alot more to be commit... anyway m very happy with everything with SR now, the pace is as great as when we just started, of coz m love towards her is increasing each day...
we went coca steamboat tonight. its the 3rd meal from from SR, as in,this was the 3rd time she cooked for m, 1st time she BBQ jap dinner, 2nd is fried m dogs N mixed labbit food...
poor Cher rushing like mad just to pass m choco bars... so sweet of her.. as she knows that m dun eat on time... m really very touch...N no regret knowing this great pal... i got Cher a silver nalgene 750ml of bottle.. she told m that she LIKE it! :)
Capri told m that she found her new love, m happy for her... mmmm.. but m heart has a little weird feeling after hearing the news N words she had said...maybe knowing that m will not have much attention from her anymore, as m too used to everything.. but deep inside my heart m really happy for Capri, as m say before, m never have any intention to keep anyone at my side... m shared this good news to Cas, she also happy for Capri... last m hope that Capri will be good N change her lifestyle a little, as she needs to take care of her new love.
Posted by Shukujo at 12:42:00 PM
Labels: Moment of Life
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
a stressful monday
gastric since yesterday.... guess m over stress by the chiropractor... SR took m to see him this morning, feeling nervous N stressful.. flu N runny nose all back... :( neither m wanna know what happen to m back, just wanna him to get it done... m know everyone mend well, love N dote m muchhhh... SR kept m accompany almost whole day...till evening she went back for her family dinner... silly of her, because m, she gotta have broken dinner... after dinner with family, still gotta have dinner with m...last night, we finally had the nice nice TUTU. (we suppose to have it since 10 mar 09,but we often played till forgotten to eat it, or when we went there it was closed for renovation.)
Cher was so sweet N thoughtful... was told that she had got m 8 choco bar... she worried about my gastric...thank you,cher!
(she gonna make m put on wt...how mean she is...) hahaha...just kidding... mmm...thinking what to get for lovely Cher...
Posted by Shukujo at 9:57:00 AM
Labels: Heterogeneity
Monday, April 27, 2009
24 april to 26 april 2009
had a crazy day...first went doc, hmm..guess din had a good start of the day...was hungry in noon...running here N there 4 the doc N xtray... but no regret, as had a great lunch at paragon with SR... visited fitness first since we were at paragon,spend so much time there... :( both of us going gym N yoga soon... " do u think if m can make it?" *wink* if i say i can, i can!?!?! next running shop to shop to find my shoes N long sleeve nice nice tee.. poor SR....ended we were late for our dinner with pals... 1st time see SR so stress...forgot to take a pic of her stress look! ;p then pals whom visit m blog, gotta know who SR is... hahaha...ended of the day i got " a guess long sleeve tee N a pair of black coach sneaker "
m realise i love sneaker more N more these days....
anyway had a fun dinner, met 13's sweetheart. she's a lovely + caring lady, but i think she can be quite fierce when she angry.. instinct tells m so... well... ;p well, obvious if 13 doesn't do anything funny, gf will eventually be sweet + loving ever after...no? who doesn't love to have a sweet, lovely N caring gf, so does my SR, Capri, Dan, my pals N everyone under the sky "str8 N gay"
An extreme horrible day..... my princess Gemini rejected to have supper with m dearest SR... m heart totally sank when the moment m read her text, in fact subconscious m know the answer, but don't know why still wanna double confirm, maybe was trying my luck... only my dearest princess N m beloved ones capable to blue m to the extreme...no? so much thots in m mind wanna share with her N telling her how unwell i am these days.... whenever m unhappy or upset, after each meal, be it light or heavy, m sure to "merlion" the feeling was just so suck... threw out till my teardrop non stop rolling down my cheek.... m always avoid SR from seeing this scene, didn't wanna her heartache nor wanna her worry... ( m could remember there was a day, when SR did dressing on my finger, m was crying liked a baby... she was so panic N instant stopped everything but just gave m a tight hug N apologised... m could see in her eyes N felt her heart was aching...)
no matter how unhappy i was, SR will always cracks her brain to cheer m... N she always did it....
today, m got SR her favourite "blackberry, storm" this was then her 1st present! suppose to be a surprised, but m just so afraid will buy her a wrong mobile... so m decided to get it together with her instead... m could see that SR was happy that the "storm" was from m... guess its not the price of the present, but ITS THE THOTS OF THE PRESENT that touches one's heart...mmm... m always blur blur N so temperamental... wondering why SR loves m much..... maybe SR loves a silly gal like m whom doesn't ask her question...N so can avoid those hateful nagging... hahaha...
beside having mood to get "storm", m had totally shut off from shopping... i couldn't find the LV which Gemini wanted since last year, neither have mood to look at my fav LV N Chanel for myself... (poor SR followed m high N low....) but at the same time i realised that golf outfit is interesting N has caught m eyes ;p mmm... i will like to wear them to play golf together with my dearest SR....
" just remember that princess birthday is coming soon." m hope to cheer her a little by receiving her beloved bag from one who loves her.... had a great N wonderful dinner... at this moment i wanna say " thank you, YOU!
To Know U, Is To Love U!
She is always here for m N has never give up on m, regardless she is in or out of town...
(beside SR, m know there are still many people around love m a lots... my family, my ex, my Capri N my pals, i love u, guys all too....)
i woke up from the right side of the bed... mood was super great :) m not going to let anyone affect m mood...nor bother if anyone will accept SR.
after Niki, m dated SR to vivo for nice nice labbit lunch N bought alot of nice nice gym wear... suppose to meet Cher for dinner after my work, but m was too sick N weak to meet... felt so bad about it... mmm... i had decide to buy her dinner when m free...
SR went musical with ex. Capri asked if m ok with it... lolzz... well, of cox m felt a little sour, but i have faith N thrust in SR.... i believed SR will not do anything which will hurt N upset m... but if one day she did, mmmm....how N wat will m react? m think, m will let her go, just like Alex N aLice.... loving someone isn't to tie the person right at your side, but is to let the person breathing comfy... not point having a person without his or her heart, but just the outer shelf...
well, no one wanna this day to happen,neither m know will this be m reaction, only if things happen then m know my reaction.... ;p
Posted by Shukujo at 8:15:00 PM
Labels: Heterogeneity, Moment of Life
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Labbit lunch...
Posted by Shukujo at 9:29:00 PM
Labels: nice nice foodies
friday lunch
chinese cabbage
brinjal with mince pork
fried noodles with vinegar+sugar
SR's creation "fried noodle with brinjal + vege"
our nicenice lunch in paragon.
Posted by Shukujo at 9:09:00 PM
Labels: nice nice foodies
Thursday, April 23, 2009
depression back?
m had a very bad day yest.... even Capri also can feel my depression is back, mmmm.... is it back again??? dunno...really dunno... just know that lately so much things had happened... maybe all these are karma... lolzzz... i remember..two people ever mention "karma" to m before... they asked m do i believe... N maybe these are my... well maybe.. maybe not... i do believe.. but if what i had done these years, i deserve this shit... i think i should have done more... since m facing such punishment now... m really too tired of thinking any single shit now... so breathless... feeling now is dun wanna do anything, just wanna sleep... but something for sure, m wont smile or do anything for seek of doing esp towards SR and Capri... of course as well as my family N pals... each of my smile, laughter, frown, teardrop, love, care N dote for guys are real... please do not doubt m! m was so terribly hurt after reading those "classic" text from those whom always claim they dote, love, yang m... m really hate this feeling...
we blocked each other since yesterday... Crabi wanna it! N so her wish is granted! guess this the max m can do for her, m cant take her temperamental N big around the bush nonsense anymore... before she goes haywire, m will go crazy, if carry on chatting... maybe she also similar in some ways as m, wanna many attentions, care N love... but there are diff btw us too..... m voice up N fight for things which i wanna "anyway since young, i dun have to voice or fight for things i wana, N i will still have it....i really wana thank my beloved mama, she really knows m inside out, her love, care, dotes N attention towards m is unlimted, nor will change..." at least i tried, so if outcome doesn't turn what m wanna... m wanna live m life with no REGRET...
alright, dun talk abut unhappy stuff... m bought Taurus X lunch yesterday... hahaha... haiz forget to take pic of those nice nice foodie... we had shark fin, tim sum, scallop fried rice, peking duck "my SR's fav too, also mine"
actually so much things in mind wanna tell SR, but when m see her, everything seem gone... Luckily m have Capri N SR around these days... m worry most is Capri's health... she seem facing much invisible stress in work lately, m afraid this will worsen her health condition... m really hope she go doc ASAP....
Posted by Shukujo at 11:54:00 AM
Her 1st gift from m
Baby's lip is dry recently...so m got her lip balm on Tuesday, this is mine.. hers is Vanilla..as m remember she likes vanilla ice cream...
Posted by Shukujo at 9:52:00 AM
collecting them this year :)
Posted by Shukujo at 9:07:00 AM
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
m a bad N selfish gal???
Posted by Shukujo at 5:38:00 AM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
miss hugging SOMEONE TO BED
Sunday ( SR check in from noon till nite ) ;p
after seeing Arika, m went home quickly, as m knew SR couldn't nap with w/o m...
our dinner -m fried dogs, brew scallop conge, cut mango, our nice nice salad N dad's fruit salad... our 1st Sunday at home... feeling just so great, but afraid that m had bored SR... ESP this mth till mid May... m trying to balance work N time to spend with SR... looking forwards to our trip in May... i believe it gona be a wonderful one... I love u, Sticky Rice!
Monday (so blueeeeee)
SR hugging m tightly to bed whole nite... SR whisper at my ear, saying that wanna a little celebration during the nite, as she dreamt of her wifey... silly SR, but i love it!
SR took m to see her DR Bryan, goodness.... m had really turned off...but for my dear dear, i think i will go for it...
Taurus had sent m some disturbing text these two days... texts are really spicing m days N nites... but neither i blame her... m just upset... maybe is my fault go dating so fast N within a short period fall for someone... and at the same time make m realised, Taurus N m are from different planets....
had a chat with Capri... have the urge to visit since the day she told m she's unwell...m dead worried for her....i really hope she will be good, listen to doc advise N recover ASAP!may god bless my dearest Capri!
Posted by Shukujo at 1:01:00 AM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
14 apr - 18 apr 2009
My Fruitful Tue
(bought my nice nice thingy- niccenice nike, nicenice cutlery, limited edition lipstick frm MAC N skin care)
m brewed winter melon soup, cooked scallop sauce with chicken tight N mushroom, yong tou fu with scallop sauce." lunch wasnt that great, as m very long didn't cook... all too salty" yet SR still ate it happily...m silly SR! 4+pm SR fetch m shopping N ahead to " ka soh " 4 average fish head bee hoon, but the vege N fried chicken still as nice as before... after dinner shopping again *wink* heehee...
Stressful Wed
went for nice nice congee N tao suan for breakfast... i fried nice nice XO fried rice N chili prawn for SR as lunch...had an average day during work...nothing new, screamed like a mad woman... so stressful, exam coming, yet all still take it so easy, seem m the only one worry... m standing for them?m slept very early N slept angrily... SO SOUR N DROWSY.... took so much med...:( m seem really a sickpuppy... am i? (still rember that capri didn't wana m fall sick often N wana have a brand new starting ,thus decided to change my blog to sunshineshukujo.
SR's hot babe had sent her weird text, which made m feel uncomfy N disturb... mmmm... dunno why m seem often kena this.... m just a simple gal, seeking for a simple relationship... m dislike complicated stuff nor people....well on the other hand m have no doubt with her love towards m... m cant stop her hot babe from SMS her weird stuff, so long she knows whats she is doing... m always have full trust, faith N confident with most of my partner...
couldn't sleep well the whole night, kept waking up, looking forward for breakfast with SR.
Thursday (Thank you, SR!)
knowing m having a lousy N depressed night N morning, after breakfast, SR kept m accompany till noon then she went work... m catch up with Taurus for a short awhile before m go work...
SR seem a little different today...hmmm... she text m this...
" unknowing i have also become a sticky rice... I want to spend the rest of my life with u..."
m have no doubt with SR's words... everything happen with SR N m seem so fast, fast till we cant believe it... lolzzz... will this feeling comes fast N goes fast... dunno... neither wanna know nor think... m felt these days seem neglect SR's FEELING... because of Taurus N Gemini issue... if today switch position, will m as supportive as SR? i think i will, but on the other hand i think i may feel a little uncomfy... i dunno why... could it be i have no faith in any relationship or no faith with SR?
whatever it is... cherish N treasure your love one around, be it just a day.... never give up! :)
extremely lousyyy friday
very long didn't have such upset N lonely feeling before since after he left... i could still remember i had this feeling when i was in AU, when Libra went school or didn't come back to have dinner with me.... i thot after m dunno need go to AU, m will neva encounter such feeling again...ended... this time is worse than six years ago depression... as Gemini is m closest... she is taught to love, dote, give in N spoiled m since the day she learn to talk... m missed those days she played with m... love m, give in to m, spoiled m, support m....
1st meal from SR!BBQ Jap food, simple N nice, thou m dun really have much appetite to eat, but m still eat, as it m SR's love... a hug from SR is better than thousand words... SR tug m to bed tonite... so warm N loving... feeling is great!
Saturday " m sorry, SR! "
after grocery, SR fried dogs, m cut vege, salmon, ham n chicken in bowl+ nice nice cheeses, SR add salad sauce, nice nice lunch prepared by both of us...( 1st time in kitchen with SR ) meeting a group of pals for bowling N dinner... usually we will hold each other hand, mmmm... maybe as pals around, not that great ideal if we are that loving....no? i dunno.... anyway what i wanna say is... SR fell down, her left knee bleed! when the moment i saw it bleeding, m nearly cry, felt so bad N sad... i should have held her hand, maybe this fell could have avoided... during the dinner, as usual, B's words caught my ear...thou m chatting happily with 13 N Cher... B was chatting happily with SR N other pals about their relationships... " sharing their thots about their history N current" white, black N grey... m used too either white or black, but since with Libra... m mixture of white N black, had become grey... till now... am i white, black or grey still? I'm unsure... after couples hours of hanging really shag both of us.... but not so bad thou, know some new nice pals, like cher.
* I've got a nice nice Gucci shade!
Posted by Shukujo at 9:41:00 PM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
1st good friday N easter day
Posted by Shukujo at 2:06:00 PM
Monday, April 13, 2009
m miss our happy times...
Posted by Shukujo at 12:25:00 PM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
two days with chloe N SR...
a week before m asked devil innocent, do i have prudential to be chloe's godma, her reply was "wowww..of course,n i believe Chloe will be happy to have u" after spendin 2 days with chloe..m gota think twice again...lol... nah..jus kidding... i love chloe, just that i dont have much time to spare her N dont wana just like devil innocent neglect her and double hurt her...
3 april 09, FRIDAY,
Chloe overnight at my home, picked her 11+pm "if i was not wrong" she was so afraid that i didn't pick her, i guessed... hahaha...rang m so many times... well, m dose off N fantasizing Xiao Zhu wearing shoe shoe... lolzz... before sleep N after awake half an hour, m tends to talk "FUNNY" ;b goshhh...this gal refused to sleep... endless talking as usual... m freaking sleepy, still gotta wake up early to for tuition next day morning... i saw "her" m nice nice neighbour... didn't c her 4 a LONG TIMEEE... as usual, she still looked so shaggg...
4 april 09, SATURDAY,
so hungryyyyy.... AGAINNNN...DIDN'T GET A CHANCE TO EAT CJ'S breakfast, so disappointed, but i know m SR had tried her best.... poor SR gotta entertain two princesses during a warm Saturday afternoon... N watched a kiddo movie... m only wanna spend couples of hours with m Chloe princess,but this little princess refused to go home... so no choice... but to entertain her a little... finally sent her back 6+pm... diner was skipped, due to.... ;p
5 april 09, SUNDAY,
had nice nice dessert "tao suan" N barely ginkgo" at a car park, follow by nice nice chicken rice N nice nice ice-cream... went praying m grandparent with family... every year, this day to pray sure AV, duno y...mum said "only lazy people, will kena this" hahahah... as usual, dad liked throwing a party for them, he bought a table of food.... dad seem aged alotttt recent years.... anyway ate alot after praying..N threw out alot too after showered... feeling so hungry after that, luckily meeting SR for diner... m saw HER again,when SR picked m... feeling so strange, both just like stranger, we didn't smile to each other anymore... indeed, we are stranger, neither we know each other names.... beside, a smile, good morning, good nite N sweet dream... nothing much we said to other... both are just so shy, whenever m saw each other... lolzz... wat a cool neighbour m have... back to my dinner... still thot m able to have nice nice chendol... ended.. :( but not so bad thou, SR chose m a nicenice cloth for "xiao bai" look so cool, its reversible....when home rather early, but busy chatting with m SR in the car park ;p got SR a mango N 2 "dragon guts" , dad claimed very sweet, so wana share with m SR.

Posted by Shukujo at 10:19:00 PM
Friday, April 3, 2009
i love this doll very much...
Posted by Shukujo at 7:59:00 AM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
A discipline day...
sticky rice still unwell, hope she get well soon...*hug&kiss*
may god bless all m lovely pals, m baby,m Crabi,m Capri,m Sticky Rice N m family everyday happy go lucky N healthy!!!m willingly to xchange litle of my hapiness to them...wana everyone them of SHINE AS BRIGHT AS THE STARS IN THE SKY...I LOVE EVERYONE OF THEM...
*yawn* opsss its lateee..gonna sleep soon...
Posted by Shukujo at 11:17:00 PM
31st mar 2009
yesterday seem woke up from the wrong side of the bed, feeling was so blueeeee N suckzzzz... but lucky i had sticky rice to keep m accompany throughout the day. its a simple peaceful tues N pace is jus nice for m N m mood...
after my branch "nice nice fried rice", i threw out so muchhhh...threw out more than i ate... feeling so uncomfy N suckzzzz... nearly cry... very upset... m stress level is pretty high nwadays... thus endless gastric N throwing out...
next, went to see doc, m throat was hurt by the doc during the nose scopy... M HATE ALL KINDS OF SCOPY. always hurt my throat badly.... m on 3 weeks med now " for my nose N gastric" doc wana m to sleep well, eat well, as well as keep a distance from stress. visiting him 3 weeks later...
another happy stuff is - sticky rice got m a nice nice white lappy last late noon " xiao bai=shiro", i like my new toy "shiro", thou just 2mins look... m sure m gona love it soon... *winks* cant wait to play with shiro heeheehee....
yawn...alitle sleepy...gona nap awhile...
Posted by Shukujo at 9:51:00 AM