Saturday, May 30, 2009
26th to 30th may 2009
Tuesday( m back...)
m au trip was great N lovely... but taking the plane back from Sydney was suckzzz...had a bad hard time... :((( m always have problem taking plane.....but then again, now is much better as to compare to before....
SR asked m if she should get a bottle of make up base J,my reply was i wana nappppppp...m unwell....guess i was sour...hehehe..think abot about big deal...thus after a short nap, m asked if she ordered for J,but she didnt...mmm...that kinda puzzled m... pbly partly of these, m didnt get to rest well in plane...n oso siting beside m that blue eye tall hunk, kept wana walked in N out...
as usual Gemini picked m from the airport N QC once we reached home...during QC,m realised actually didn't buy much...had given my favourite bally bag which bought in au to princess Gemini, she was so happy....m so happy to c my silly princess's contented innocent N sweet...she's my SWEETTTTTTTTTTTTESSSSSSSSSTTTTTTT PRINCESS, NO ONE IS ALLOW TO BULLLLLYYYY HER EXCEPT M ;P
SURPRISED m the most is while m showering, Gemini invited SR to kitchen to pay banana bread with her... when m out of the bathroom, was little worried, as SR not in mama's room, m dashed into the kitchen as fast as m leg could carry m... worried that both of them play halfway may fight, as Gemini can be a big billy at times too....instead they were playing happily... at this moment m feel that m so LUCKY N FORTUNATE... m think most important is 1 whole family have peace N it rich or poor....
Wednesday (i love simple wednesday...)
passed dad stuffs which we bought him from au...this old folk...really cant stand him... wanna m to xchange the pair of Oakley which m bought frm au... air ticket definitely more than Oakley...
had a lovely nap before dinner with SR's family ;)
Friday (1st dinner with gemini..)
several hours hanging in salon before meeting Taurus...bought her mama some skincare..knowing m going shanghai, her mama wanna give m $500, of coz m rejected... m don't feel good... its not the pride issue...since we no longer will be greedy of m if m accept it and m believed that neither SR will feel good if m accept it!!! overall m appreciate her kindness N her thotful thots..m know she loves m as a daughter in law, even till today...well... sometime been wondering thot dating is just two people stuff...but always seem involve with family...mmm.. probably that's something cant be easily avoid once u really wanna get close to the other..
anyway we had dinner in taka with Gemini, yesssss Gemini...our 1st time dinner...with no one except three of us...yeahhh...m kinda excited... m waiting this day to come for quite somtime ... WE HAD PEKING DUCK, both SR N m fav :) of coz with a few more dishhhhess.. goshhh m so fulll.... SR bought m a few nice nice hair clips...m fav dog in different colours N sizes.
Saturday (1st breakfast with SR folks)
1st round
what a cool folks SR has...esp mama, she seem knows many people in the market... of coz papa too.. N oso found papa is a great singer.. hahaha... having breakfast with they was so fun N also got to eat many nicer food.. ;) bought veges home.. like SR always say 'WAR IS COMING..."
2nd round
playing with my mama...she cooked fish soup for us as lunch..but silly of m added too much XO, hehe.. would i get drunk,if m dun combine mine with SR's??lolzzz... went shopping after that...bought many nice nice cloth from zara N a kipping luggage.. " m made SR got m a colour one by keep saying easy to collect luggage if we own a colour one... ;p butttt.....hahaahh... since it was a hand carry luggage,but not a check in luggage, does it matter colour or BLACK? ;p " m love my silly, innocent N blur blur SR"
3rd round
PRINCESS GEMINI BIRTHDAY! SR bought us beautiful dinner at "The cliff"... ;p everyone loves it so muchhhh... after diner we had coffee at airport... very long didn't play withhh Gemini N Cal... by the time we reached home was midnight...
:( hate it... tomolo my turn 1st day of choice but to sleep earlyyyy... anwyway both were too tired to "colour" too :p
Posted by Shukujo at 9:19:00 AM
Labels: Heterogeneity
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
8th to 12 May 2009
Posted by Shukujo at 12:12:00 PM
Labels: Heterogeneity
1st to 3rd May 2009
Posted by Shukujo at 12:08:00 PM
Labels: Heterogeneity
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
1st trip with SR
Posted by Shukujo at 9:47:00 AM
Labels: Trips in 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Jap lunch in au
fried mixed vege "SR remember m love to eat fried vege"
Posted by Shukujo at 11:19:00 PM
Labels: Trips in 2009
Jap dinner in au
special drink = weirdo drink "it tasted weird to m"
Posted by Shukujo at 10:51:00 PM
Labels: Trips in 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
heavy dinner in au
SR drove hours to reach this place...after happily shopping for groceries.. we went to this restaurant for dinner... be it dinner is nice or long have it with SR it still tasted great... if dinner turns out suckz.. SR will buy m supper ;pSR dislike the way they cooked these mushroom...
Posted by Shukujo at 11:28:00 PM
Labels: Trips in 2009