m think crabi N m had come to an end... m really sick N tired chatting with her... look back now... how do both of us got close before... i really dunno... maybe to her m had changed... but m pretty much sure m DIDN'T!!!!! so has she? mmmm... all these no longer important... thot m felt kinda wasted to lose a chat mate, but i remember what Gemini told m the other day...
<<<never pls the entire world... tripping stones are always all around us... must learn to be careful N ignore them... most important take good care of ourself, family N partner... can lent ears to pals,but end of the day mustn't let these people affect us N our close ones>>>
today early in the morning, had a BIG project....lolzz... m woke SR up to catch a baby lizard... ;p sorry my dearest SR... acid in tummy is hauling m whole night... didnt have much appetite.. SR brought m to a place to have nice nice fried beehoon... opppsss... forget to take pic...anyway SR said will bring m there again, when m feeling better...
today early in the morning, had a BIG project....lolzz... m woke SR up to catch a baby lizard... ;p sorry my dearest SR... acid in tummy is hauling m whole night... didnt have much appetite.. SR brought m to a place to have nice nice fried beehoon... opppsss... forget to take pic...anyway SR said will bring m there again, when m feeling better...