Thursday, July 9, 2009

m become VICKY after manila...

3 July to 8 July 2009

m went manila with SR! ;p but.... haizzz... guess we were unlucky. beside the food poisoning and some disturbing sms from Taurus, everything so far so good, food is great N shopping is great too. m wanna go manila again!

both SR N m kena food poisoning, we ate in restaurant yet still....both were so sick, staying in hotel for two days, did nothing beside sleep N sleep... while went out to buy some fruits nearby, m nearly fainted, no energy to walk...never so sick before... so scary.... poor SR unwell too, yet still gotta take care m.. m applied VICKS all over myself ;p errr... no choice, tummy freaking pain, yet no other oilment beside VICKS. that's how m got that nickname = VICKY.  doc in manila was SUCKSSS! at the same time, made m realise how fortunate we are as Singaporeans... lives in manila seem cheap... m so sorry N sad to say so... we were so sick, yet the doc think since we able walked to his clinic to see him, which means we had recovered, no big deal... indeed we felt much beta after two days of rest, but both still running fever on N off, tummy still damn bloated, esp SR's... we didn't bring enough med N right med that is the worst...

during the two days rest, received some disturbing text from Taurus. saying she was attached N some misunderstanding... dunno... m don't wish to talk about it again, since its over...

the day before we flew back, we went SHOPPING. m never fail to disappoint anyone whenever talk about shopping! goshhh... think m a shopaholic!!!! m still thought there's nothing much to shop in manila, but the answer is WRONG! HAHAHA... POTS in manila are cheap... so much cheaper than sg... beside pots there's still other interesting stuff to shop..

FOODIES in manila are so great, esp the GREEN MANGO JUICES, so sweet... N m learnt to cook a new dishes after the trip ;p
<<<salmon fish head + salted veg + mushroom with miso soup...>>> so yummmyyyyyyyy...