Friday, January 1, 2010

things m had done before 2009 ended!

2010 is coming, we should learn to look forward N move on....m have so much thing to be accomplished this year... 
Made your resolutions yet? Maybe could also add in some healthy lifestyle resolutions too? Do keep it realistic ya!
last few things m had done during Dec in 2009
  1. USA trip
  2. m had made my 1st video!
  3. finally m own a MacBook Pro
  4. own a Gucci backpack
  5. a sexy nightie from someone
  6. a delicious meal cooked by princess during Xmas eve
  7. had BBQ dinner on Xmas "miss baby lamb N wagyu beefy"
  8. bought a few overcoats from Zara "dunno ever since when m become a Zara fan"

goshhhh, this Dec really spend alot, damn broke now...