Friday, October 9, 2009

accept who they are!

lately m been busy working (exam coming, so stressful)+ playing games ;p YES, playing AGAIN! one of my favourite activity... recently been playing farm frenzy 2 N 3 ( intro by SR), SR had bought m a RED PSP ( look like a sweet cherry), m sure she kinda regret... lolzz... as she didn't know that m could be so obsess by GAME! M SOUL seem belong to no one while playing game... ( people say playing game is a form of distress, mmmm m think playing game can be also very stressful, but FUN lol...) whatever it is,THANK U SO MUCH, SR!

last night m knocked off early, thought can play game for whole night, but by accident m spoiled my cherry "PSP", so sad N felt so bad... m should have listen to SR, by shutting down m cherry in a proper way... m promise, shall be less noti in future! ;p

Taurus rang m just now, while m writing. she asked if m avoiding her... haha... what a JOKE SHE HAD CRACKED EARLY IN THE MORNING! isn't funny at all... no denied we had drift apart... reason: we don't share the same lip shapes N thots most of the time these two years, even till TODAY! frankly speaking, m was very effected N irritated words she had said sometime...

mmmm... m gonna stop here, the more m write, the more m gonna to think how negative things she had did... which m not allow to do so... as everyone has their good N bad points, so have U N M too....
we should learn to ACCEPT WHO THEY ARE...