Friday, October 30, 2009

joy to share

seriously speaking its so easy for everyone to find their half. there are several stages before dating. 1st stage = (daring stage = so long your skin is thick enough to ask for a date from some one whom u likes, that's a good start), but whether if the person is suitable (that's another killing brain cells stage, unless the person is truthful enough show out all his or hers ugly sides), the hardest stage is how to maintain the relationship (this is known as compromising stage, its the hardest stage, m feel. then again m think both must learn to forgive N forget, give N take.)

Joy to share
princess is getting married soon... a blink, my princess gonna become some one's wifey N years later she gonna be a MOM, so fast... my princess has grown up! m really feel happy for her...

lots of things to do ( wedding preparation indeed not easy, may be interesting, but not fun at all, different people gonna receive different assignments from princess, guess if assignment gives by her hubby will be much easier to do N lesser stressful...) kekeke...

helped them to create a blog last Sunday. its for her n her hubby to write out before N after their surrender of their single life, wedding preparation  N so on.... m steal this blog name from them N somewhere ;p will tell u, guys their blog add once the blog is ready to be visit :)