Rat General
The 2011 Rabbit year will be a much better year than 2010 in many ways. This will be a great year for you to implement and execute your plans for your career, your relationship and your family. Your popularity will be strong and you will receive support easily. If you are able to reap the opportunities presented to you this year and avoid all the pitfalls, you will potentially gain a tremendous leap in terms of your career advancements, pay increments as well as progressing to the next level of your relationship. However, the challenges during this year will be silent but deadly. The challenge will be to identify your enemies because they will be hidden amongst all the friendly people around you. There will be severe gossip, betrayals, backs-stabbings and even schemes to cause detrimental damage to you. There will also be a great deal of temptation in the form of marital affairs, indulging in vices and bribery that will be damaging to your relationship as well as knock you off from your highway to success. Your wealth will be unstable due to your huge expenses or the requiring of large sums of money to bail you out from your troubles. Your health will be below average due to inadequate rest and an unhealthy lifestyle that you might lead. There will also be a high likelihood of you getting carried away and treating others abruptly. You will want to remain humble and remember that it will be better to gain one more friend than to gain one more enemy. As you rise to success, keep your feet grounded, shun temptations and conduct a reality check from time to time. This will enable you to reap the best from this year. Career
In terms of your career, your popularity will remain strong. Not only will you be able to gain the support of management, your co-workers and other related personnel who will be willing to cooperate with you as well. This will be a good occasion to engage in activities like presentations, negotiations and projects. You will be able to sell your ideas and convince others to adopt your position easily. In addition, your focus will be strong and you will have clarity of mind. You will have an advantage when engaging in strategic planning, business development or any other intellectual activities. This will be certainly be an appropriate year to execute your career plans, gain recognition and achieve high visibility. While you will be highly visible, you will also run a great risk of being the main topics of discussion in gossip and being the target of jealous and unhappy people. As you will be doing very well, you might have the tendency of getting carried away and might start being abrupt with others. People might even find you to be rude or offensive. Some might begin to leave you alone and some might even conspire against you. Whichever choice they might make, they will not challenge you openly. The friends that you might gain during this period will be a mixture of genuine and insincere people. There will be those who genuinely support you as well as those who will give you misleading information and be a bad influence on you. The challenge will be to identify those who are genuine. Hence, you will need to be extra cautious in terms of whom you can trust. There will also be some indecent temptation at work in the form of engaging in office sexual affairs or obtaining monetary advantages. Remember to stay in touch with reality as you will have too much to lose if you do not keep yourself grounded. Avoid falling into such traps as the consequences will be devastating. Not only will it affect your professionalism, it will also present an opportunity for others to blackmail you in the future or might even cause your downfall. Hope that you will be able to exploit this year to the fullest by remaining humble, choosing your friends carefully, avoiding gossip and shunning temptation. Wealth
Your wealth luck will be unstable. Although it will be easy for you to earn a great deal of money that might be from pay increments or from other avenues, you might also spend a great deal on enjoyment, entertainment and even on vices. In addition, there will also be the possibility of being blackmailed or having to spend large amounts of money to suppress negative publicity. It will certainly be a good idea to pamper or reward yourself for your own achievements. But being extravagant will result in having difficulty in saving money. If you are able to reduce your expenses and avoid getting into trouble that will require a large sums of money to bail you out, you will be able to retain a large portion of your wealth. Relationship
For those who are single, there will be a high probability of falling in love and even getting married during this year. However the problem will be that as your popularity will be so strong you will have an equal chance of meeting the right person or ending up with one that might not be compatible. There will also be the possibility of having a string of flings that might not end up in a long term relationship. For those who are attached or married, there will be both a high likelihood of progressing to the next level of your relationship as well as the prospect of being seduced into having marital affairs. You will want to treasure your relationship and not risk it for temporal pleasures. Health
There will be a lot of social activities and everybody might seem to want to be a part of your life. You will be likely to participate in a lot of social activities that might lead to overeating, drinking too much, having inadequate rest or over exerting yourself. This will lower your immune system leading to poor health in general. You will also be prone to having a weaker liver and suffering from migraines and digestive problems. Remember that if you drink or are too tired, do not drive. People
The people problems during this year will be deadly but silent. Everybody will seem to be very cordial and supportive. Your enemies will camouflage themselves as your friends this year. Instead of voicing out any unhappiness, they will resort to underhanded means like tarnishing your reputation, betrayals, back-stabbings and quietly conspiring against you. Although you will be very popular this year, avoid trusting people with confidential and sensitive information. You should also be careful of your own behavior and remain humble. Avoid coming across as rude as that will create enemies easily. Although you will be popular, it will not make you invincible or keep you away from harm. There will be many people watching you and plotting your downfall. As such, remain alert at all times.
Ox General
You will want to get yourself well prepared for the 2011 Rabbit year because it might be a very trying one. There will be many obstacles and problems in various areas of your life. These might range from family and friends, career, wealth, relationship and even your health and safety. When problems arise in different areas concurrently, it might be unbearable for many of you. It will require a lot of perseverance and determination to pull through such a year. The problems might just arise unexpectedly from nowhere and might be accompanied with severe people issues like betrayals and even confrontations. Not only will there be inadequate support from others, the indifference and cruelty of others might even send a cold shiver down your spine. You might feel lonely, emotional and even disillusioned. Your wealth luck will also be poor. You will tend to fall ill more often and for extended periods. Your safety will be poor. There will be signs of severe tension in your relationship that might lead to separation. Your partner's health and safety will also be poor. Furthermore, your elders' health and safety will be at risk and you will want to look out for them. Although it will be such a negative year, you will get through it easily if you maintain a low profile and remain positive. You will realize that the more you struggle, the easier and faster you will sink. You might try your best to resolve or minimize your issues but you should not be too hard on yourself. 2011 the rabbit year will also be an opportunity for you to take a step back and rest in terms of your emotional, mental and physical state. Do not allow others to affect the way you think about yourself. You will only be able to trust and depend on yourself this year. Remind yourself to remain positive and calm. Career
This will be an unusual year at work because there will be many delays, hitches, people issues and other setbacks. Even matters that you are familiar with or might seem trivial will become more problematic than usual. In addition, people will not be cooperative. They might betray, backstab or provide you with bad advice as well as misleading information. There might even be severe disagreements or confrontations. They might try to set you up and make false accusations against you or leave you in a lurch. You will not receive adequate support from others as well. There might also be many problems created by female colleagues or management. Avoid in engaging in any gossip and in matters that will not affect you directly. Do not allow others to involve you in matters that will potentially make yourself or others look bad. Even though you will have to rely on yourself, this will not be a good time to offend anybody or to be in the bad books of others. It will also be to your advantage if you do not appear to be taking sides. If there is anything you are unsure about, it will be best to get assistance from professionals and to avoid overlooking critical areas and getting into legal situations unknowingly. There will also be a high possibility of ending up with legal problems. The pressures and tensions that you will face might easily cause you to become more pessimistic or even more emotional than usual. Although it will be a challenge at work, you might want to constantly encourage yourself to remain positive, maintain a low profile and not to act on impulse or anger. Get as much help as possible and pull yourself together. It will be best if you have contingency plans for your tasks or allocate greater resources such as more time and labor. This will enable you to alter your plans or have adequate time to react if there were to be any sudden occurrences. Adopt a soft and conservative approach. What you will be going through this year has nothing to do with your ability or efficiency. It will only be a passing phase. Due to the nature of this year, it will be best to place your career plans on hold for the time being, pull yourself together and focus on getting things done in this current state. You will need to depend on yourself greatly. Wealth
The financial area of your life might be quite bad. It will be difficult for you to accumulate wealth because there will be many large and sudden expenses. There might even be difficulty in meeting your obligations. There might be various possible reasons that might require large sums of money to be spent. These might be for medical expenses that might be for yourself, elders or family members. You might be spending money to buy support, impulsive spending due to stress, or requiring to pay for fines or other legal settlements. Relationship
If you are single, there will be many challenges in other aspects of your life that you will feel that it will be too much for you to handle. As such, you will not be keen to consider starting a relationship during this period of time. If you are seeing someone or are in a marriage, there will be a strong likelihood of being unable to spend as much time together as you might have hoped for. When you are able to spend time together, you might feel that your partner will not be able to provide you with the support that you require, and there might also be possibility of experiencing severe tension frequently. If not well managed, it might lead to separation or even divorce. You will want to calm yourself down and keep your communication channels open with your partner. Even if your partner will not be able to understand what you will be going through, it does not imply that your partner does not care for you. It will not help matters by taking your frustration out on your partner. Your partner's health and safety might be poor and it might even be fatal. You will want to take good care of your partner's health by reminding your partner to live a healthy lifestyle and to build up a strong immune system. At the same time, look out for your partner's safety. Health
There will be a circular causal effect between the stressful year you will be facing and you having poor health and being accident-prone. It might be that the stress that you undergo causes you to neglect your health or be distracted and become accident-prone. The other causal effect would be you having poor health and being accident-prone and this might add further stress to your situation. This might result in a spiral effect that might make things worse than they should be. Hence, it will be important for you to take good care of your health and safety in the midst of this turmoil and not just let yourself go. Your elders' health and safety will also be poor as well as that of your partner. People
The people issues during this year will be severe, especially with females. For example, female colleagues or relatives will seem to be more difficult than usual or might even quarrel with you. There will be back-stabbings, betrayals or even direct confrontations. Others might even provide you with misleading information or be indifferent to your problems. Although you might have a lot of grievances this year, you will need to take special care to who you will pour your heart out to in case others might use this information against you. It will be better and safer for you to rely on yourself this year by pulling yourself together, stay positive and remain calm. You will want to maintain a low profile and avoid showing disapproval of others.
Tiger General
This will be a promising year in terms of career advancement, being presented with many opportunities and also having the ability to make a great deal of money. You will receive backing from others and will be introduced to the correct people who will be able to help you to realize your goals. While this will be a fantastic year for you to implement your plans, extra care will be required in order to remain alert and be wary of plots against you, being manipulated and made used of by others. There might even be legal problems that will be avoidable. The adverse impact from such plots and conspiracies will minimize greatly any gains that you might derive from this year should you not be cautious. Although you might be emotionally affected and disappointed by how unscrupulous others might be, avoid adopting extreme measures like becoming critical of others, keeping to yourself or being indifferent to others. If you distance yourself from others, you will only hinder your own prospects and this will not protect you from others misdeeds. Instead, remain connected with others while maintaining clarity of mind and being sharp to detect things that will be taking place behind the scenes. In doing so, you will be able to expose and thwart others schemes against you. Your wealth luck will be good but there is also the likelihood of incurring large and sudden expenses. As such, you will want to adopt a conservative approach when managing your wealth. Your health will be poor. This will not only affect your progress for this year but might be costly as well. Your relationship will be below average. The challenges that you will face this year will be manageable. You might want to keep this in mind and limit those possible problems to the minimum in order to enable yourself to reap the most out of this year. Career
This will be a great year for career advancement in the form of promotions and breaking through ceilings and constraints. You will be given opportunities to be acquainted with the right people who will be able to support you or be beneficial to your progress. In addition, this will be a good time to execute your plans. You will also receive support from the appropriate people as well. One of the potential problems you will face will be that some people will be scheming against you, trying to cheat you, trick you into falling into their traps or causing you legal problems. In some cases, others might claim that they will support you but might pull out at the last minute. Hence, even though luck will be on your side, you will need to be extra attentive in what you do. It will be best to have contingency plans or keep more options in the event that people suddenly pull out or renege on their promises. Do not rely on a single source of information or support. You might also want to gather vital information yourself or at the very least verify the important portions of such information. For important matters, you will want to determine the legal implications and even obtain professional assistance. In addition to scrutinizing technical details of important matters, you might also want to be wary about things that are going on around you among your colleagues and business associates. It will be fine to be connected with others but not to participate in gossip. You might feel demoralized and disillusioned after discovering others are not what they might seem to be and will want to distance yourself from others or require the need for more personal space. You might even feel pressurized to become biased or prejudiced against others, incidents or approaches. Although it will be understandable to feel this way and might even want to isolate yourself or hold on to too much anger and frustration, such behavior will only work to slow your progress. It might even send the wrong signal that you are aloof or no longer need any support from others. You will want to maintain a balance by being connected with others so that you might benefit from their support and yet not remain close enough for others to cause harm to you. Keep an open mind and stay alert at the same time. Apart from this, your career plans and performance will also be affected by your poor health. Having poor health will not only cause you to have difficulty in being focused, it will also cause you to overlook details and become forgetful. This will further expose you to the schemes of others. Poor health will also affect your ability to respond to sudden crisis or sudden changes of plans, thus resulting in opportunities slipping away. Take good care of yourself and strive for your career goals. Wealth
Your wealth luck will be above average because it will be much easier for you to gain more wealth than usual. However, it will be difficult for you to retain and accumulate wealth because there might be large and unexpected losses. As you will be prone to being made use of or manipulated, it will be best not to make investments or engage in gambling activities. It will be easier and quicker to earn through stable or secure sources. Adopt a conservative approach when managing your finances during this year. Another possible area that might cost you heavily will be medical expenses. You will want to take good care of your health and safety. Relationship
If you are single, it might be a quiet year with regard to relationship matters. You might feel discouraged by the ugly side of human nature when observing things going on around you. Subconsciously, it will build an invisible wall around your heart and there will be reluctance in trusting people and falling in love. If you are attached or married, there may be some instability in your relationship. There will be tensions that will be related more towards trust or security issues. It will not be severe and will be manageable. On the other hand, you might feel indifferent or withdrawn and possess the fear of getting hurt. If you feel this way, you will want to consider communicating with your partner your needs. This will only be a temporary phase and will in no way indicate that you care any less for your partner. Health
Your immune system will be weaker than usual during this year. You will tend to fall ill more often or for extended periods of time. You will want to take good care by having a balanced diet, managing your stress levels and adopting a healthy lifestyle. By maintaining good health it will allow you to get as much as possible from this rabbit year. Although there will be indications of being accident-prone, undergoing surgery or sustaining cuts, these should be minor and will even be avoidable. If you are tired or not at ease, you will not want to drive, operate machinery or handle sharp objects. People
You will have your fair share of support from others as well as having people plotting against you or trying to manipulate you. You will want to utilize the help and opportunities others might provide you this year. Reading between the lines and looking beyond the surface will certainly help you from being able to see through people's schemes and keep you safe. During this year, you might be prompted to adopt extreme measures having been continuously disappointed by others and witnessing the ugly side of humanity. You might even feel that it will be safer to isolate yourself or be indifferent to what is going on around you. Bear in mind that if you were to isolate yourself, you will not only shut the doors to those who might harm you, you will also shut out any opportunities that might come your way. Being indifferent to what transpires around you will not necessarily make you safe because everybody and every matter will have an impact since everything will be interconnected. You will want to achieve a balancing act of keeping your enemies close to you while maintaining clarity of mind and being aware of things around you. You will be able to accomplish a great deal and achieve much more than you realize during this year.
Rabbit General
This will be an erratic year for you filled with very good opportunities, followed by a painful and drastic fall the very next moment. You will be presented with very fantastic opportunities in terms of progress in your life, career advancement and attaining wealth. However, you might seem to offend people knowingly and unknowingly. You will tend to get into severe disagreements with others and become more intolerant with others ideas or approaches. You might come across as someone who takes advantage of others, is hypocritical or is a self-centred person. Some people might stay away from you, others will refuse to help you while others still will make formal complaints against you. This will greatly hinder your progress and what you might have hoped to achieve. For severe cases, you might even end up in legal problems or being attacked by others. To reap the most out of this year, you will want to remain calm and avoid getting into disputes with others. You will want to work out a win-win situation or to adopt different approaches to pacify others. Although you will not need to please everybody, you will still need to put in much effort to convince others or keep communication lines clear and precise. There will also matters that will be very upsetting occurring this year. Your wealth will be unstable because although you will be able to make a great deal of money, you will also have high expenses. You might even need to spend large sums to get you out of legal problems or to bail you out of trouble. Your health and especially your safety will be poor. Your relationship will also be poor. Remain calm and maintain strong relationships with others in order to get through this year. This year will be a test of your social skills. Career
It will be a very unstable year at work. On one hand, you will have a lot of opportunities to allow you to progress or even undertake greater responsibilities. You will even find yourself in the limelight. The management and your colleagues will tend to be fond of you and will be willing to support you. However, things will not be as rosy as initially promised. During implementation, there will be a lot of problems and many of them might catch you unprepared. Apart from technical issues, you might also have offended many people along the way knowingly and even unknowingly. Others might find it difficult to communicate or convince you. You will become more impatient and hot tempered this year as well. Many might refuse to cooperate with you or to watch over you. Some might get you into trouble, have direct conflicts with you or even complain about you to your boss. This year, you might want to consider always handling matters to achieving a win-win situation for all and to keep your temper in check. If you overlook this, there will be a possibility that others might feel that although you are friendly, you are taking advantage of others and will even be seen as a self-centered person. It will reach a point where others will no longer want to do you favors. For extreme cases, you might land yourself in legal problems. Although you will have no intention to take advantage of others, you will want to take care of coming across as being so unintentionally. For those who have different opinions and ideas from yours, you will need to remain calm and view them with an open mind in order to arrive at a solution that will benefit everyone instead of jumping to conclusions or dismissing their ideas abruptly. If you do not handle this carefully, you might end up with others leaving you alone and making it difficult for you to get things done. The management might even regret conferring you the authority and might reassess your readiness for your role. In some extreme cases, they might even consider asking you to leave the company because of your inability to perform or you not being a team player. In order to be able to reap the best of this year, play nice and avoid getting into conflicts with others. Wealth Although your wealth luck will be strong during this Rabbit year, there will be other factors that might deplete your wealth. One of these factors will be your safety and this includes being accident-prone, sustaining injuries or undergoing surgeries. You might have to spend a great deal on medical expenses. At the same time, you might need to pay for legal fees or settlements. Some friends whom you might have offended might not share opportunities or information that will help you earn a lot of money. Some people whom you have offended might even let you get into trouble requiring you to incur large sums to bail yourself out. Remember that the less people you get into disputes with, the more opportunities you will have to earn and accumulate greater wealth. Relationship
If you are single, it might not be easy to form a long term relationship this year. You will fall in love as fast as falling out of love due to being intolerant to others differences. If you are attached or married, there will be a lot of disagreements. In some cases, your partner might find that you are not as committed as they will be. Differences in approach and views might also lead to tension. You will be impatient and will have a lower tolerance level than usual. Hence, you might want to calm yourself down, keep communication channels open and try to come to a compromise. There might already be a great deal of severe conflicts with others that it will be best to maintain a harmonious relationship with your life partner. Health
Your health will be below average but manageable. Your safety will also be poor. Apart from being accident-prone, there will also be signs of undergoing surgeries and even sustaining severe injuries. If you are tired, refrain from driving, operating machineries or handling sharp objects. You might also want to refrain from having direct conflicts with others as there will be also likelihood of getting into brawls or being assaulted. People
Initially, people will be quite friendly and supportive towards you. However, as time goes on, more disagreements or conflicts will arise. At the same time, you might also offend others without knowing. If not well managed, people will not only take back the opportunities they have offered to you but might also refuse to watch your back and might even have severe direct conflicts with you. These might be so severe that will lead to legal problems. There might also be physical violence or even assaults by others. It will not imply that you will have to be in agreement as to what others might say. You will just need to be more careful and cautious in the manner of pacifying others and handling disagreements.
Dragon General
This Rabbit year is going to be another year for you to continue to establish yourself in areas of your career, power and wealth. You will gain strong recognition from the relevant people and will also be conferred with greater authority and responsibilities during this year. You will also become highly visible and as such represent a threat to others. Even though you will continue to be plagued with severe people issues, these will not likely to cause any significant damage or harm to you because you will enjoy amazing good fortune and have the ability to turn things around to your advantage. Many problems might be created by people whom you thought you could trust such as friends, family and relatives. Even though you might be tempted to bulldoze your ideas through others, it will be best not to do so as you will still need the support of others. You might also want to take this opportunity to gradually sift out those whom you will be able to rely upon before taking any extreme measures. You will also want to be prepared for sudden changes of events by possessing contingency plans. Avoid getting involved in matters that do not impact you directly. There might also be some tension or unhappy incidents at home. Avoid being too tough on yourself. Your health will improve compared to the previous year. Your main wealth continues to remain strong but avoid making investments or participating in gambling related activities. Your relationship will be manageable. Although you will continue to do very well during this year, you might experience an inexplicable despondency. Even when you will be smiling, you might feel that something is amiss. You will want to remind yourself to relax and not read too much into this as it will be just a passing phase. Do not allow this to affect your potential success during this Rabbit year. Career
This will be another remarkable year for your career. You will continue to gain the trust and backing from management and others in position of authority. There will also be indications of promotions and acknowledgement from others. This trust you gain will come together with more authority and greater responsibilities. This indicates that it will be another hectic year in terms of your career. Even so, your health will improve and it will be easier for you to manage your demanding work load through possessing good health. This will be a fantastic year for you to implement your career plans and continue to work towards your career goals. Although there will many sudden crisis and problems, your ability to turn things around will not only save the day but will be perceived to be very impressive by many. Even though you will be performing very well, avoid getting carried away else you might lose out at the last minute. Adopt contingency plans and be prepared to react to changes to events and situations. There might be some people still trying their luck to create problems for you, to betray or backstab you but they will not be successful in their attempts to cause damage or harm to you. It will be very evident that you will be well shielded by your many lucky stars, and only the fearless and impetuous will dare defy you openly or confront you directly. Even though luck will be on your side, you will still need to watch your back in order to understand what is going on around you. You might have a tendency of browbeating others including both your enemies as well as your close colleagues. You will want to be careful when doing so as you will still require the support of your loyal friends to assist you with your master plan. You will not need to practice favoritism. However it will certainly be vital to minimize any adverse impact on those who have been supporting you well. Although you will continue to prosper this year, you might feel an inexplicable despondency or despair unrelated to your health or achievements. You will want to remind yourself to remain positive and happy in order to have the right energy to push through this extraordinarily good year and move on towards another peak in your career. Wealth
This will be a fine year to earn and accumulate wealth through your main sources of income that might come from work, business or sales. The fortune that you will be able to make from these sources will be huge. However, your side wealth luck will be poor. It will not be a good year to engage in investments or gambling related activities. The odds of losing money through such activities will be considerable. Every dollar that you save by not spending on investments or gambling related activities will be a dollar earned. This year, you might also overspend. Although it will not place you in any financial difficulty, you might want to keep your expenses in check. Relationship
If you are single, the possibility of meeting that special person will be average during this year. Even if someone might be interested in you, you might not notice them as your focus will be on your career or other areas of your life. The other possibility will be that you might be feeling unhappy and come across as someone who is preoccupied on other matters. As such others might be of the opinion that you are not ready for a relationship. Be happy and you will be able to attract more good things into your life. If you are attached or married, there might be some unhappiness. Both of you might have some arguments or conflicts that will be manageable. Be open to communication and understand that there might be certain differences. Not only you will be able to overcome such differences, there will also be strong support for each other. Health
Your health will greatly improve during this Rabbit year compared to the previous year. However, as your health has been unstable previously, you will still need to take this opportunity to restore your immune system back to normal. You might want to take good care of yourself by eating regular and balanced meals, having plenty of rest and exercising regularly. Special care might be required for stomach, gastric and digestive related health issues. People
The people problems during this Rabbit year will be no less than usual and there will be severe back-stabbings, betrayals and people making things difficult for you. This will be especially so because you will continue to be in the limelight and attract both admiration as well as unwelcome attention. Even though there will be people trying to create trouble for you, they will not be very successful. You will be able to turn things around and utilize their every attack to your advantage. This year, a lot of trouble might come from people who you thought are your friends. There will also be problems from family and relatives. This might be in the form of verbal arguments to making matters turn sour. Even though the troubles from family and friends might not cost you your success this year, it will certainly dampen your mood or cause you to be distracted from your work. You will not want to let your mood affect your performance at work or cloud your judgment. It will be best not to get too involved in others problems and also not to be too tough on yourself.
Snake General
In this Rabbit year, there will be signs of movement which could refer to you having a lot of personal traveling, being very busy running errands, traveling for work or even moving house. While it could be a physically demanding year, it will also be a mentally and emotionally challenging one. On one hand, you will be given opportunities to handle bigger roles or have better visibility. On the other hand, you will be put in a position that will be difficult or near impossible to carry out your tasks because you will not be provided with sufficient authorization or resources. This will further expose you to severe people issues. There is a high possibility of the feeling of being set up for failure. This uncontrollable frustration and anger about the unfairness of the situation might ignite the rebellious streak in you. You might want to go against the norm, become anti-establishment and even challenge the forbidden. While you will give up going along with others, you might also put yourself at risk by engaging in illegal or unethical matters and even indulging in vices. This will have great adverse impact on various aspects of your life such as your wealth, health and relationship simultaneously. Although it will certainly be unfair for you to be placed in such a difficult position, this will be an opportunity to test your resilience towards such circumstances and your self-discipline. You cannot right a wrong by committing another wrong. Have a clear idea of your goals and work towards them by persevering and refraining from all immoral and illegal temptations. Give it your best shot and your efforts will reap you great reward later. Just bear with these difficulties for the moment. Career
In terms of your career, you will be given more authority or greater responsibilities. However, this will not imply that there necessarily will be a promotion. Due to this, you might be placed in a difficult position that will require you to implement plans that might entail a higher level of authority that management might not be prepared to confer upon you. You will also be very busy at work and might be required to travel frequently for work. There will be many challenges when implementing tasks that might also invite severe office politics. All of this will amount to you feeling much frustration and even anger. You might also be feeling very lethargic, demoralized and even have the need to break away from everything. Unknowingly you might strive to be unique, different or become anti-establishment and as such might become someone who will be difficult to work with and not be a team player. In addition, you might be seduced into having office affairs or other activities that might be against business ethics. Although you might realize that it will be wrong, you might feel the need to savor the forbidden fruit as an act of defiance or just to spite others. During this Rabbit year, even if you might be given a steep mountain to climb, you will want to take this opportunity to display your resilience. You might consider taking up the challenge and giving of your best. However if you sense that it will be more challenging than it will be worth, you might consider leaving and taking up another position elsewhere. A change of environment might be better than trying to perform the job grudgingly as there will be a high likelihood of being unable to do the job well, challenging many people along the way and getting into more troubles than you might expect. Even though it might be rather stifling, it will be better to blend in with your team and co-workers. Restrain yourself from falling into the trap of office affairs or any other inappropriate business conduct. Your excitement will be short lived and the consequences might have a long term and devastating impact. Your diligence will be destroyed overnight. Exercise self-discipline and self-control. What you will be going through this year will have nothing to do with your ability and popularity. You will want to engage in activities that might help you to channel your frustration in a healthy manner. Wealth
Your wealth luck will be below average. Even if you might be earning a high and stable income, sudden mood swings might cause you to make impulsive expenses. Apart from that, you might even subconsciously embrace shopping therapy or spend needlessly to vent your frustration. You will want to watch your expenses as spending more will not help you feel better and might make you feel worse after looking at your bank statements. You might also require money to get you out of trouble or might even be a victim of extortion. This will not be an opportune time to earn from your side wealth because your side wealth will be below average. It will be better to earn though stable and secure means. Relationship
If you are single, you might be tempted to have many short flings. However there will be only a slim possibility that any of these will turn into a long lasting relationship. Although you might only be searching for short term excitement, it will be best not to get yourself into messy relationships because they might hinder the genuine love that you will be looking forward to. If you are attached or married, there will potentially be severe problems this year. Usually, these problems will be due to an addiction or vices. There might also be the possibility of indulging in marital affairs and unhealthy habits such as overdrinking, gambling or even gluttony. If not managed properly, it will have a detrimental effect on your relationship as well as other aspects of your life. No matter the reasons for letting yourself go, you might want to bear in mind that it will not be easy to mend the relationship or to treat it as if nothing has happened if you have hurt someone badly. Short term pleasures are not something that will be worth risking a long term love for. Health
Your health will be unstable. It might be related to the lifestyle that you will tend to have, such as indulging in nightlife, excessive drinking and eating, inadequate rest and smoking. Your immune system will be affected by your lifestyle. You will also be accident prone and these might include traffic accidents or even falling down causing bruises and sprains. Some of you might even experience fainting spells. You will want to be cautious about this. If you feel tired, do not drive or operate heavy machinery. If you feel like fainting, you might want to sit down, squat or find some place to lie down and seek professional medical help. People
This Rabbit year, it might be more difficult to get people to cooperate with you than usual. There might be a lot of complaints or even arguments. Some people might even ignore you when you would like to negotiate or convince them. This will put your patience to the test. You might feel that you would want to give up on them by going against everybody. There will be a high tendency and likelihood that you might tend to oppose just for the sake of opposing. You might hope to break all the rules just to spite everybody. At the same time, you will even feel like giving up by allowing yourself to run loose by walking along the edge of the law, morality and the establishment. If you have such thoughts, you will be walking into a trap. Not only will you be putting yourself at great risk, but you will end up harming yourself more than anybody else. If you feel angry or have any inclination of doing something that will be against your morale, try to get some quiet time to clear your thoughts and calm yourself down. No matter what others might do to you, it will not be as bad as you giving up on yourself by putting yourself at risk in any way. You will be your own worst enemy if you allow yourself to run riot.
Horse General
This 2011 Rabbit year will be one filled with excitement and interaction. Your popularity will be extremely strong. In addition to meeting many people, most will be greatly attracted to you. This will be an excellent time to engage in activities that will allow you the opportunity to negotiate, present, influence or to even build up strong relationships. You might want to make use of your appeal to help you progress. You will meet with people who will be able to assist you and provide support along the way. Due to this, you will have an advantage at work and be presented with more prospects to advance and perform well. Even though most people will be fond of you, there will still be hidden dangers. There will be those who might want to dupe you, make false accusations against you or set traps for you to fall into during this year. It will be that your focus and concentration will be weak and you might be forgetful or overlook details. This will place you at great risk. You will not want to be too trusting. Stay focused and you will want to read between the lines when dealing with all matters. Your relationship will be good. You might hear good news from your family or relatives as well. Your health will be unstable. There will be poor safety due to your lack of concentration. Your wealth will be strong if you earn through commissions or sales. Even though this year will be positive in general, there might be holdups and even a feeling of being stuck. You will be blessed in that those who will be able to aid you will constantly be around. Avoid overlooking such precious resources that will be around you. Although it will be unlike you to be shrewd, you might want to consider doing so in order to benefit from your charisma and to avoid the troubles that others might want to lead you into. Embrace the 2011 Rabbit year. It will be show time! Career
Your popularity at work will be exceedingly strong. Not only will you be provided with the opportunities to improve, your charm will draw others to want to work with you, provide you with assistance and even to be a part of your plans. You will have strong powers of persuasion and negotiation abilities. You will be able to sell your ideas well and even negotiate to your advantage. You will have elevated visibility and will be in the limelight. This will be a wonderful opportunity to engage in activities that will be strongly connected to interacting with others such as conducting presentations, holding negotiations, socializing or even through sales. You might want to acquire greater publicity at work this year and place added focus on building rapport with others. Even though the majority of people will want to be your friend, there will still be a small number who will want to trap or frame you. In addition, your focus will also be fairly weak this year. This might cause you to overlook details or be forgetful. This might in turn expose you to greater dangers. Hence, as you enjoy your strong popularity, do not take for granted that everyone will be sincere and trustworthy. Avoid getting involved in matters that will not directly impact upon you. For matters of importance, it will be best to keep documents securely and retain written agreements. Where there will be many terms and conditions, it will be best to allocate more time to go through such information before coming to an agreement. Avoid sharing confidential and sensitive information with others as they might use it against you. As long as you maintain your guard, you will most likely be able to see through their schemes. Even though your career luck will be generally good, it will not all be a bed of roses. There will still be obstacles or even having the sense of being ensnared. However the solutions and even the right people who will be able to come to your aid will be close at hand. There will be a strong likelihood that you might overlook such people if you are not careful. Try to stay focused and not allow yourself to be all over the place. If you meet with any problems, ask for help and do not be dismissive about the assistance that others might offer you. Put your appeal to good use and stay on your toes. This will be an enjoyable and fun year at work. Wealth
You wealth luck will be only average and stable. If you earn through commissions and sales, there will be a strong likelihood that you will be able to make much more than average. However, it will not be advisable for you to earn from investments or gambling related activities. This will be especially so, as there will be a high possibility that people might provide you with misleading information, cheat you or provide information that they themselves are unsure about. Even if you were to collect the information yourself, you will run a high risk that people will be trying to take advantage of your money, to frame you or to set you up this year. Relationship
If you are single, there will be a high chance of meeting the love of your life during this year. As you will tend to be less observant than usual, you might overlook that special person. Stay alert and be on the lookout as you might be pleasantly surprised. If you are attached or married, you might move to the next level of your relationship. For those who are attached, your relationship might become stronger and there will be the likelihood of starting a family. If you are married, you might also receive good news or even welcome the arrival of a new family member. Health
Your health might be below average as you will tend to overeat and have an unbalanced diet, inadequate rest or lacking regular exercise. As you indulge too much on socializing or entertainment, you might neglect or even abuse yourself. In addition, your concentration will be weaker this year and you might tend to be accident-prone. You might even injure yourself when operating heavy machinery or handling sharp objects. This year, if you feel tired, unwell or are on medication, you will want to refrain from operating machinery or handling sharp items. Do take good care of your own health and safety in order to make the most of this year. People
The people issues that you will face this year will be of a passive nature in that others might set traps for you or try to get you into trouble. It will be unlikely that people will try to confront you directly or create disagreements with you. This is because exhibiting publicly tension with you will cause them to have problems with others due to your strong popularity. Hence, they might try to mislead you in order to cause doubt on your own judgment They might even try to formulate certain conditions in order to hinder your plans or to put you in a difficult spot. Although you might stay friendly, you will want to remain sharp to understand matters beyond the surface. Avoid being too trusting and do not share confidential information with others. If you have to make any important decisions, it will be best to slowly think through it before jumping to any conclusions. If you meet with any problems or need assistance, ask for it and you will receive it.
Goat General
This will be an erratic Rabbit year for you. There will be the possibility of progress that will be accompanied by severe people problems. You might be able to achieve your goals but will not be able to get the requisite support of others. People might be very nasty towards you by attempting to tarnish your reputation or threatening physical violence. There will also be the likelihood of legal disputes as well. Notwithstanding that there might be a lucky star that might help to neutralize potential problems by shining upon you, unfortunately its effect will be sadly undermined by the numerous difficulties that you will encounter. The ugly side of human nature will keep haunting you that might cause you to feel lonely and disillusioned. You might consider taking up activities that will allow you to balance your emotions and mental state. Some of you might resort to receive comfort from religious activities or through differing philosophies. Your wealth will be unstable and as such it will not be appropriate to engage in high risk investments. Your health and safety will also be unstable. You will also run the risk of undergoing surgeries or sustaining cuts. There will also be the possibility of injuries due to being attacked or robbed. Your relationship will be poor as well. You will want to consider participating in activities that will help you to channel your frustrations in healthy ways. If you met with any problems, calm yourself down. A lot of patience and self-discipline will be required during this year. Before the butterfly can flash its beautiful wings and fly between flowers, it has to struggle to break through the cocoon. This year will be a year of struggle and breakthrough that might be painful yet will be inevitable for self-discovery. Buckle your seat belt and get ready to roll. Career
There will be great potential of having career advancements or the ability to expand your authority in your career. However, the path will be shaky as there will be a lot of gossip betrayals, severe office politics, legal disputes and even violence. There will be many people who will be unhappy about your advancement and might try all means possible to make things difficult for you. Some will have direct confrontations with you or even might become violent towards you. You will want to remind yourself that as things are progressing, try to remain focused on what you have in hand and prioritize your matters according to their importance. Avoid getting involved in gossip or matters that do not impact you directly. If there are any matters that you are unsure of, it will be best to obtain professional help. This will be especially so if it involves legal implications. If you were to ignore them, the problems might spin out of control and you will also open yourself up to further troubles. As people might be quite nasty towards you this year, you will want to maintain a friendly distance from them yet avoid isolating yourself. If there are disagreements, you might have the tendency of getting too emotional and allowing it to cloud your judgment that might result in you saying or taking actions that you might regret later. Consider taking a step back and request for a period of cooling off to rethink matters. There will also be a lack of support from the figures of authority and the relevant people that might lead to a sense of loneliness or helplessness. However there will be some kind souls and good friends that you have gained along the way. Look closely for them and they will be there. You might want to keep your emotions in check so that your emotional swings will not push your friends away. When it comes to getting assistance, you will need to be firm. Even though you will not have many friends, you will need as much help you can get during this year. Also, stick with the tried and tested methods. As you advance maintain a low profile and move on slowly, steadily and quietly. This will enable you to progress while not entangling yourself with those severe people issues. Wealth
Your wealth luck will be very unstable this year. At one instance it might be very positive. At another, it might come crashing down. It will be advisable to take a safe approach to finance management this year. You will be able to earn a great deal more than other years through secure means. Taking risks will not be necessary. You will want to save for a rainy day. Although you might earn more than in other years, you might need more money to get yourself out of trouble. You will also run the risk of being blackmailed, being robbed or even having to settle legal disputes. There might also be high medical expenses incurred due to requiring surgery or from being accident-prone. Relationship
If you are single, the possibility of falling in love during the Rabbit year will be lower than in other years. You might be emotionally drained by people issues that you will encounter in other areas of your life that might lead to drastic mood swings. This will result in your potential suitors shying away. You might feel lonely yet have difficulty in falling in love or remaining in a relationship. If you are attached or married, there might be a lot of tension or unhappiness that if not managed properly might cause long-term damage to your relationship or lead to a separation. You might feel that your partner will not be understanding enough, not caring enough or unwilling to communicate. When both parities attempt try to work things out, tempers might flare that might lead to a stalemate or even physical violence. There will also be the likelihood of indifference. Besides requiring a lot of patience you will want to think carefully the direction you want your relationship to take and align your actions and words in the same direction. Health
There will be indications of poor health and safety that will be related to undergoing surgeries, sustaining cuts or being accident-prone. You will want to be extra careful when driving, operating machinery and handling sharp tools. In addition to this, there will be even the possibility of being robbed or attacked. Avoid straying into dark or deserted areas. If you will be traveling to other countries, be watchful of where you will be going and avoid going to unfamiliar or dark places by yourself. Do not wear jewellery or carry valuable items. Be careful of provoking people as they might become violent. Be safety conscious. People
The people issues in this Rabbit year might be severe. There will a lot of backstabbing, betrayals or those just being plain nasty. There might even be direct confrontations or even physical violence. There will be people trying to get you into trouble by providing you with misleading information or will not carry out what they have promised. They might falsely accuse you or even twist your own words. This year, you will not want to be too trusting. Avoid sharing confidential or sensitive information. For important matters, it will be best to rely on yourself such as when gathering vital information and keeping documents in proper order. Try not to accept verbal agreements. When you are faced with direct confrontations, keep yourself calm and avoid saying or doing things that you might regret later. Most importantly, do not provoke others. If there are any matters that might have legal implications, it will be best to seek professional assistance. Do not be presumptuous. Although you will be exposed to the ugliest side of human nature this year, you will not want to allow this impact your view towards life and become disillusioned. Such negative encounters will only be a temporary phase. Pull yourself together. Love and protect yourself.
Monkey General
This Rabbit Year will not be as smooth sailing as you had hoped for. Although the challenges will be manageable, it will not be easy for you to implement and execute your plans or to achieve the success that you desire. Before you will be able to progress, you will need to deal with the problems first. These problems will be managed but will require you to be actively working on them. There will be a lot of obstacles and delays that will be mainly non-people related issues. It will be better for you to adopt a conservative approach to matters and be ready with contingency plans. You will also be too aggressive, ambitious and impatient. Your hunger for quick success might put you at greater risk. You will tend to get some support from people this year that might be of help in lessening potential problems. However, due to your ambition and impatience you might offend people unintentionally. This will lead to isolation or even creating more enemies. Having more friends and building stronger rapport with your colleagues will be vital this year. You might want to spend more time and effort in doing so. Your health and safety will also be poor. Aside from being accident-prone, you might run the risk of being robbed or having valuable items stolen. You might also misplace important and valuable items this year. You might want to take precautions in securing your items, home and working premises. Your wealth will be poor due to incurring sudden expenses and the loss of money. In general, you might consider keeping a low profile and building up a strong rapport with others. Avoid rocking the boat because there will be a high tendency of it sinking. Instead, go gently with the flow and get more people to row the boat with you in order to reach your destination safely and swiftly. Establishing good relationships with others will certainly be a catalyst to enjoying a peaceful and fruitful Rabbit year. Career
Your career will be quite rocky because there will be many obstacles and problems. These might result in delays and plans being changed or even being aborted. The situations will not be entirely caused by uncooperative people, but more due to other reasons such as being in the wrong place at the wrong time, technical failure or even misunderstandings. Although you might get some support from the relevant people, such support might not be adequate. This Rabbit year will not be a suitable year to develop ambitious career plans even though you might be inclined to achieve something significant during a short period of time or to be in the limelight. There will be a greater likelihood of getting into more trouble than you bargain for or offending more people along the way. It will be better to maintain a low profile and remain humble. Try to think before you communicate or react in case it might come across in a different way than you realize. Although you will not need to be overly friendly towards others, avoid being abrupt or rude. You might want to make contingency plans or provide more buffers in terms of resources in case you might need to change your plans or be flexible in terms of arrangements. There will also be indications of misplacing important items such as documents or even your personal inventory. There will be the risk of assets being stolen or having your working premises being robbed. You will want to be careful with all important items and pay special attention in terms of security in the office or working premises. The challenges that you will face will be within your control but you will need to take an active role in reducing potential problems, resolving problems or requesting for support from others. You might need to put in more effort in building rapport and strengthening your popularity in order to make things easier for yourself. You will have your hands full in trying to deal with these issues and making more friends will definitely be more useful than making more enemies. Wealth
Your wealth luck will be below average. Even though you might be earning from a stable income, there will be difficulty in accumulating wealth. There will also be unexpected large expenses or loss of money through investments. There will also be a high possibility of misplacing money, being robbed or stolen from. During this year, you might want to consider adopting a conservative approach in managing your wealth. You will also want to be extra careful of where you put your money. Refrain from flaunting your wealth or valuable items. If you do not want to lose them, keep them out of sight of others. When you will be away, ensure your valuables are locked up well or looked after by trusted people. Relationship
If you are single, the likelihood of falling in love or being in a long term relationship might not be high. If you are attached or married, there might be some tension with your partner. However, such tension will be manageable. Although the relationship might not improve tremendously, it will be best to maintain the status quo by limiting disagreements or disputes. Most of the tension will be created by misunderstandings. Hence, you might want to be careful and patient when communicating with your partner. Keep communication channels open and taking into account their point of view might be helpful. Health
Your health and safety will be poor this year. You will be likely to fall ill from time to time or for extended periods of time compared to previously. You might want to look after yourself in terms of your immune system by having a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. The impact from being accident prone might not be significant. These accidents might refer to traffic accidents or even as simple as falling down or having sprains or bruises when walking. You will be able to reduce the impact of such accidents or even to avoid them. In addition to being accident-prone, you will run the risk of being robbed which could result in physical injuries or suffering from anxiety. Take special precautions if you were to travel, to unfamiliar places or isolated areas. People
The people issues during this Rabbit year will be less than in other years. This will be an advantage because there will be other problems that will require greater attention. Even though you will have this advantage, you will run a higher risk than usual of offending others. You might want to be careful when you communicate with others because you might come across unintentionally as someone who is arrogant and blunt. Some people might distance themselves from you or prefer not to be associated with you. Some will refuse to help you and others might even try to get you into trouble. Although you will not need to feel the pressure to be who others want you to be, you must not neglect other people's feelings and perspectives. How you treat others will be a mirror image of how you want others to treat you as well. This year, if you will be able to maintain a friendly relationship with people or improve your relationships with others, it will certainly help in minimizing the problems that might arise. It will always be better to have more people watching out for you rather than having to be cautious though making more enemies.
Rooster General
In general, this will be a challenging Rabbit year because there will be a lot of problems that might happen quickly and unexpectedly. Aside from having problems, your progress will be slow. You might feel trapped or even stuck in a rut. This will not be a good year to implement and execute aggressive plans. The support that you receive might not be sufficient during this year. There will be people attempting to get you into trouble by cheating you, misleading you, encouraging you to take unnecessary risks or to do things that are illegal. In addition to trying your best to limiting any potential problems by having contingency plans, you will need to be careful when differentiating those who are your friends and those who are not. This will reduce your risk of getting into trouble. You will run also the risk of finding yourself in legal predicaments as well. Hence, you might want to be extra cautious when dealing with unfamiliar procedures. Avoid attempting to challenge the law. Although this might be a year with a lot of issues, your wealth luck will be very good. However, you will gain a huge fortune from stable and secure methods rather than through risk taking. Your health and safety will be below average. If you will be able to remain healthy, not to be cheated and avoid getting into trouble or facing legal problems, you will be able to retain your huge fortune. Your relationship will be below average as well. In order to benefit from this Rabbit year, you might want to revisit fundamental matters, being honest with yourself about addressing what you should do and remaining focused. Career
This will be a year of contradictions. On the one hand, there will be many issues at work and your progress might stall. You might even feel that you are being trapped or even framed. There might be many delays and unexpected problems. You might be given misleading information or lured into scandals. Hence, you might want to be extra cautious when making decisions or plans. Avoid schemes that sound too good to be true and only take calculated risks. If there are those attempting to sell you some unbelievable money making opportunities or requesting you to purchase high priced items be extra careful. Even when things will be progressing smoothly, always have contingency plans because the problems tend to strike hard and fast. You might also want to gather information thoroughly yourself. If there will be matters that you are uncertain of, you might want to consider seeking professional help as you will be prone to being entangled in legal situations. If there are fines, you might want to deal with it before it snow balls into something out of control. This will also not be a good time to have direct conflicts with others. The natural connection to be inferred from the above might be that it will be difficult to grow wealth. On the contrary, you might be able to create a large fortune during this year. The huge fortune will be derived from conservative and secure methods. It will not result from ways that require high risk or occur within a short time frame. Hence, if you will be able to rid yourself from those potential problems that were mentioned previously and also adopt stable and secure methods to gain business and wealth, you will be able to do very well financially. If you were to face some issues, you might want to try your best to limit or resolve them. Avoid being in denial or thinking that your problems will disappear if you ignore them. Instead, recognizing, minimizing, resolving and learning from the issues will be helpful. The support you will receive from others during this year might not be adequate. You will need to rely a great deal on yourself. Pull yourself together, brave through the storms towards the chests of treasures. Wealth
In the midst of all the troubles during the Rabbit year, your wealth luck will be amazingly good. You will attain huge wealth through main and stable channels. Conservative approaches to dealing with financial matters will be vital in creating such wealth. At the same time, you will run a high risk of incurring large and unexpected expenses in different areas. There might be high medical expenses. You might also be cheated as well. If there are plans that offer quick and great wealth, you might want to be extra wary. Ensure that you do your research well before jumping into such schemes. Instead of allowing you to gain the amount of money the scheme promises, there will be a strong likelihood that you might get into more trouble than you expect. Avoid also getting into any legal predicaments. If there are fines to be paid, you might want to pay up before they get out of hand. By keeping away from all these troubles, you will be able to reduce your potential expenses and retain your good fortune. Relationship
If you are single, the opportunities of meeting the right person might be slim. You might feel lonely or even be concerned about your relationship matters. If you are attached or married, you might tend to have more disagreements or conflicts. You might want to be patient. There might be some matters that you will be going through that your partner might not understand. Instead of understating the issues you will be going through or brushing your partner off, it will be important to keep communication channels open and patiently explain to your partner what you are going through. This will enable your partner to trust you more and even to provide the support that you might require. Health
Your health will be below average. Although it might not be fatal, it might impact your concentration and energy levels to overcome other challenges you might face this year. You might fall ill from time to time. Most of these health problems that you might face will be those that will strike fast and suddenly like heart attacks and strokes. You might want to be careful by having a balanced diet, managing your stress levels and exercising regularly. You will also be accident-prone this year and might sustain injuries. Be careful when operating machinery and driving. Ensure that you have sufficient rest and be able to concentrate before operating machinery and driving. People
The people issues during this Rabbit year will be severe but not obvious. Instead of having direct confrontations with you, there will be a high likelihood of others doing things that might be subtle yet have an adverse impact on you. People might lure you into trouble by cheating you, providing you with misleading information, or setting up traps for you, hindering your growth or even encouraging you to do things that will be bad for you or even illegal. They might even turn you against those who can help you. Hence, you might not want to trust people too easily this year. In addition, it will be important for you to be truthful to yourself concerning who are your true friends and those who are not. There will also be the likelihood of being in denial when problems arise. You might want to watch out and step out from your denial because it will be very costly this year. Be genuine when doing some good for yourself.
Dog General
This Rabbit year will be a good and fortunate one for you. Naturally, this will be a great year to implement and execute your plans, achieve rapid progress as well as a year to watch your dreams that will be beyond expectations and people's control. The issues you will face will be manageable but having contingency plans and keeping alert will certainly help you to overcome them swiftly. Your greatest enemy might be yourself during this year because while you will be doing well, you might get carried away and end up being all over the place. You might also end up losing your focus, wasting a great deal of time and energy while being unable to accomplish your desired tasks. You will want to remain focused and manage your time and resources well. Do not take the support of others and your good fortune for granted. Your health will be average in general and you might be more accident-prone than usual. However these incidents will not be significant and will even be avoidable. Your elders' health and safety will also be poor. Your wealth luck will be good but you might be likely to overspend. Your relationship will be above average. There will be a strong likelihood that you will receive much good news during this year. Make great use of this year to your best advantage as the doors of opportunity have been opened for you. Have a fruitful year ahead. Career
This will be a good year for you to implement and execute your career plans. Not only you will be able to get the support and recognition of your management and peers, you will also realize that luck will be with you. You might be given a greater role or heavier responsibilities and career advancement will be on the horizon. Although there might be some obstacles from time to time, they will be manageable. Most of the issues you will encounter will be unexpected or beyond people's control. The people issues will be minimal during this year. People will not want to intentionally cause problems for you. Even with the support of others, you might want to remind yourself not to get carried away and to take others or your good luck for granted. In addition to executing your plans, the human factor will play a major role in contributing to the level and rate of your success. It will also be best to have contingency plans in order to be prepared to face the challenges that might strike quickly and without warning. If you have something good lined up for you, you might want to stay on your toes till you have secured it. Do not let your guard down even up to the last minute. Everything might seem to be interesting and exciting for you during the Rabbit Year. There will be a gush of opportunities and all might appear to be within your reach. You will also run the risk of trying to accomplish too much and scatter your energy and resources too widely. You might over commit yourself by starting many tasks yet being unable to complete them within the allocated period. This might end up forfeiting the opportunities that you have been granted and the effort that you have put in going to waste. As you might have a long list of tasks to complete with limited resources, your time management and health will be important. You might also want to prioritize and plan your schedule to optimize what you will be able to achieve during this year. Maintaining good health will also act as a dynamic force to help materialize your plans. Avoid being all over the place. Hence, it will be vital for you to have realistic goals, allocate reasonable amount of resources and remain focused. You will be able to see your career dreams come true during this Rabbit year. Wealth
Your wealth luck during this year will be good. You will be able to amass a huge fortune much more easily than in previous years. There will be many opportunities for you to do so. However, the challenges you will face will be the manner in securing the right opportunities to optimize your gains. In addition, you will want to work to retain this fortune that you have amassed. Without realizing you might have the tendency of spending it faster than you realize. As a result, your fortune might come easily and slip through your fingers even before you are aware of it. Watch your expenses and you might also want to stretch every dollar even if you have a lot. Relationship
If you are single, you might find that your social circle will improve during this Rabbit year and you will have more options than before. Avoid rushing into a relationship. It will be good to get to know the person better before committing yourself as there will be a high likelihood that you will meet someone whom you might befriend yet not be as compatible as a life partner. If you are attached or married, your relationship will be stable. It will be good to spend more quality time together to further improve the relationship. Not only you will enjoy the finer things in life, you will be able to bring the relationship to the next level. Health
Your health will be average. The potential problems you encounter will be that you might spend too much time of enjoyment or socializing that it might impact your diet and leave you with inadequate rest that might have an adverse effect on your immune system or cause you to feel less energetic. There will not be the likelihood of major health problems. Your safety will be below average as there will be the likelihood of being accident-prone. These might include falling down, having cuts or even sustaining other injuries. Even though it might not be anything significant, you might still want to be careful and avoid participating in high risk activities. Your elders' health and safety will also be poor. People
The people issues during this year will be very minor. In general, others will tend to be very supportive of you. These will include your elders, authority figures as well as your peers. Although you might not need to be too concerned about betrayals and back-stabbings, you will want to take this opportunity to continue improving your relationships with others. Do not take their support for granted. You will not need to please them to the extent of losing yourself or allowing other people to take control of your life. Because you will have a lot of things to accomplish during this year, you might not want to be selective in whom you socialize with. You will need to maintain a balance between being friendly and appreciative while keeping your personal space and individuality. Enjoy your strong social support during this Rabbit Year.
Pig General
During this Rabbit year, the main problems will be those that are related to or caused by other people. These might range from being cheated, manipulated or blackmailed emotionally. Others might tend to gossip behind your back or even say or do things that might create problems for you. The impact of such trouble might well spread to almost all areas of your life such as your career, relationship, wealth and health. Do not trust people easily and do not agree to help if you know that you will not be in a position to render assistance. During this year showing sympathy to others will not only inconvenience you, but might prove to be costly. Do not allow what others' say affect you too much, especially if you know that it is not true. You cannot control what others' say about you as well as their behavior. You certainly cannot control the extent of damage people might want to cause for you. Although this will be a good year to maintain a low profile and avoid confrontations you will still be required to guard your territory well and let others be aware that you will not be pushed around. Your health, wealth and relationship will be poor during this year. You might want to remain positive and might want to try to cheer yourself up by engaging activities that will allow you to relax. You might also want to look for positive friends or relatives who will support you or provide some security for you. By pouring your heart out it might help in keeping your stress levels in check. You might be pleasantly surprised how they can cheer you up and pull you through this Rabbit year. You will need to depend on your comfort zone this year. Stay strong and toughen up. Career
There will be a lot of challenges at work which can range from severe people issues and other problems that will be beyond your control. There will be delays and projects might face major road blocks or even be aborted. While you might be facing a great deal of pressure at work, the severe people problems will certainly not help. Instead of rendering support to you, others might be so ready to point fingers at you, gossip behind you back or even make things more difficult than they are. People might blackmail you emotionally into committing tasks that will be bound to fail or that nobody wants to undertake. You will be utterly disappointed with people and feel strong sense of frustration. You might become bad tempered and have the tendency of having direct confrontations with others. You will want to put things right. Although it might not be easy, you will need to take control of your temper and step back. Focus on how to minimize the issues and how to solve the problems. Put behind you the gossip or mean things people say and how terrible people they might be. Do not confront them directly even if you know who might land you into trouble. It might also not be advisable to explain yourself. Either they will understand or they will choose not to understand you. Remember that you are not responsible for who they are and their behavior. Confronting them will definitely not change them or correct the situation. Instead, you might want to think about how to resolve the issues at hand by yourself. In the event that you need to have direct conflicts with others, you will need to gather sufficient evidence and come out with a strategy that does not give them any second opportunity to attack you. If you have to strike, make sure that it will be a fatal blow. Do not be benevolent to your enemies this year because they can put you into serious trouble. If you do not intend to strike at them, just walk away. You might want to maintain a low profile at work and shelve your plans for the time being. It will be best to keep to something that you are familiar with and stay out of trouble. Wealth
Your wealth luck might be below average. There will be huge expenses. The likelihood that you will spend on yourself might not be as high as you spending on others. You might get too soft hearted and end up giving others your wealth even though you might not have enough in the first place. Do not be susceptible to emotional blackmail. Realize that you will not be in a position to help others if you were to end up suffering by helping others. Learn to say "No". You might be cheated by people or institutions this year. Do not lend people money and also not be a guarantor to anyone. If you need to purchase high value items, you might want to check carefully because you might find yourself being over charged or short changed. If you will need to make decisions regarding investments, do not make impulsive decisions. It will be best to have someone you can trust and is rational to attend such meetings with you. Do not be gullible and easily excitable by smooth sales talk and overselling methods. Always read the fine print and do your own calculations. There might be high medical expenses as your health and safety will be poor this year. Take care. Relationship
If you are single, you might find that it might not be easy to fall in love this year. Your mood and bad temper might become a deterrent to others. You might want to consider curbing your temper and also trying to relax and cheer up in order to achieve a healthy mental state. If you are attached or married, there might be more tension. This tension will be partly due to your lower tolerance to viewpoints that differs from yours. These will be partly due to the negative influence of other people. There might be people trying to cause fights between the both of you by making certain comments to either of you or instigate either of you to act in a manner that will have an adverse effect on your relationship. Avoid allowing other people to manipulate your life or to influence your relationship. Health
Your health will be poor during this Rabbit year. You might fall ill frequently or for extended periods of time. Your immune system will also be weak. You might want to specifically take note of illnesses that are related to respiratory and gastric causes. Try to be in an environment that has clean air and ensure you consume regular meals. In addition, you might be prone to having panic attacks or even feel suffocated. This will be related more to the stress that you might be exposed to during this year. Your mental health will be as equally important as your physical health. You might want to engage in activities that will help you to relax and avoid being too bothered about what other people might say or how other people might think of you. How you perceive yourself and what you will do for yourself will be more important than anything else. People
The people problems during this Rabbit year will be severe. There will be people gossiping and spreading rumors about you. In addition they might cheat, manipulate or attempt to have a negative influence upon you. The areas of impact might be as wide as these people will appear in your career, relationship, finance and indirectly your health. Not only should you not trust people easily, you might also not want to be too soft hearted because you might be lured into trouble for being too sympathetic. Learn to decline offers or suggestions that will put you at a disadvantage. Sometimes your intelligence and rationality will give way to your emotions and heart. Do not be too absorbed in self-pity or try to find too many excuses for others. Certainly, avoid having direct confrontations with others. Do not participate in any gossip corners. If you notice that there are people spreading rumors about you, do not get too affected by it. If you were to retaliate, it will be best not to pull any punches. Throughout the Rabbit year, you might ask yourself many times where justice is, why the situation has to be like this or what you have done to deserve this. You certainly do not deserve any of these troubles or to be treated badly. Nobody does. You will need to be firm this year. Protect yourself and what you have. You will need as much help from yourself, family and your good friends you have made throughout the years. |